
Showing posts from May, 2021


Hold on your prayers ‏تمسك بالدعاء كأنك لا تعرف علاج غيره

 Salam, Hold on your prayers like you don’t know any cure but prayers, The power of prayers can change our lives forever  Every morning remember to thank Allah for everything you have to thank for every little thing in your life and then make Duaa for yourself and for people who you love the most and for all Muslims, most importantly in these hard days to pray to our brothers and sisters in Palestine to make Duaa for them every single day because this is the only thing that we can do for them since we can’t go and help them, actually this is not the only thing that we can do we can do much more we can donate money for them and we can post on social media to show them How much we respect and love we have for them.  ‏اللهم انصر اخواننا في الأقصى وفي فلسطين وفي كل لي أنحاء العالم اللهم كن معهم ناصرا ومعينا اللهم اشدد أزرهم وثبت أقدامهم وأنصرهم على القوم الظالمين آمين ‏اللهم اعز الإسلام والمسلمين ودمر اعداء الدين ‏اللهم اذلة الكفر والكافرين  ‏اللهم اجعل فلسطين بلد آمنا س...

Ramadan 2021

 Salam,  those are the last days in Ramadan so let’s make the best out of them let’s pray as much as we can and these days you can change your destiny you can change your life only with the praying and Duaa, let’s also don’t forget Our family members from Duaa and also don’t forget Muslims who are suffering due to injustice let’s make duaa for all of them, also make that for everyone in the whole world who are suffering from injustice.  These days are very hard days on our brothers and sisters in Palestine Let’s never forget them from our Pryers and Duaa  this is the least we can do for them and to make them feel that we are supporting them and we can feel them feel their pain may Allah give them patient and The victory for them inshAllah.  ‏اللهم كن مع اخواننا في الأقصى ناصراً ‏ومعينا اللهم ثبت أقدامهم وحصنهم بعينك التي لا تنام اللهم اشدد أزرهم ‏اللهم عليك باليهود أعداء الدين فإنهم لا يعجزونك اللهم أرينا فيهم عجائب قدرتك ‏اللهم حرر الأسرى ‏فك أسره هم واردهم إلى...