

الدعاء هو الطريق للسعاده Dua'a is the way to happiness

 Salam, Duaa is your way to happiness your guide to ultimate peaceful life, if you make dua part of your daily life it will leads you to life without stress anxiety or sadness, I really do believe in this just talk to Allah whatever you feel and wish anything you want Allah will listen to you Allah will answer your requests your Duaa if not today then tomorrow, remember this Duaa is never waisted. how come you are sad and Allah is your god, Allah will never let you down, Allah know what's in your heart, Allah IS ENOUGH.  Allah knows you are waiting, the reward will be big it will be great you just need to believe in this. readers if you have any comment please leave it down below. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you like what I hav...

Happy & Grateful

 Salam, This is the first moment of the year I hope it will be a wonderful year for all of us, ending this year with a positive note, hoping for the best to come on 2021 hope it would be a year full of happiness joy peace love and health. On this day yet on everyday make a choice to thank Allah for everything you have, also ask Allah for everything you want, be sure he will answer your prayers he will answer your Duaa if not today then tomorrow.  اتمنى ان تكون هذه السنه جميله و مليئه بالخير و بكل شيء جميل اتمنى ان تملىء قلوبنا بحب الله و حب الخير و حب اعمل الخير و تقدير النعم التي انعم الله بها علينا.  الحمدلله على جميع النعم التي عرفنها السنه ٢٠٢" و الحمدلله على صحتنا و عافيتنا و الحمدلله انتا نستقبل السنه الجديده في بيوتنا و ننعم بالأمان و الصحه و العافيه ، الحمدلله على كل النعم الحمدلله في كل وقت و في كل حين الحمدلله.  Thank you, have a great day.