

Allah Has A Plan For You ❤️

 Salam, Stop worrying, everything is in gods hands keep that in mind when you keep it in mind you will always be grateful and you’ll always be in peace, piece that makes you feel it’s not worth it to be sad or to overthink because Allah is here for you he listens to our prayers and everything we will pray for it will happen if not today then tomorrow if not tomorrow then the day after tomorrow just be sure of it, I don’t and I know it’s easier said than done I’ve been through it but with a strong believe you will live in such peaceful grateful world!  ‏الحمد لله رب العالمين الحمد لله دائما وأبدا الحمد لله في السراء والضراء الحمد لله على الصحة والعافية الحمد لله على كل حال وفي كل حين.  ‏استغفر الله العظيم من كل ذنب اكثروا من الاستغفار فإنه يمسح الذنوب ويريح البال ‏ويرسل السماء عليكم مدرارا ويوم جدكم بأموال وبنين ويجعل لكم جنات ويجعل لكم انهار . ‏استغفر الله العلي العظيم ‏وأتوب إليه.  ‏اللهم إني أسألك أن تريح بالنا وأن ترزقنا رزقا واسعا حلالا طيبا من حيث لا احتسب حيث ل...

Pray, It causes miracles

 Salam, If I have only one advise to give for sure it will be "Don't skip a prayer time" from the bottom of my heart I believe in this so much! try it yourself if you have doubts about it, it's never ever too late to start you actually start right now, treat it as a challenge it's okay to feel like it's a lot to do at first but trust me when you pray five times a day for a week it will become much easier, then for a months it will become even more easier you will feel grateful all the time, you will feel peace inside you no matter what is happing around you.  I know it's easier said than done, sometimes it's really hard to find motivation to pray and trust me this is normal but the most important thing is to NEVER GIVE UP TRYING even if you feel down or tired but once you intended to keep trying Allah will help you Allah will give you strength, you will be surprised from the reward that comes with praying Allah will never let you down, all you need to ...


  Salam , Abayas can be very casual or very occasional wear there are so many Abaya styles to choose from, it depends on your occasion or where do you want to wear it if you want to wear it for a daily basis for shopping run some errands, it is really a go to outfit when you are in a hurry All you need to do is put it on it’s really easy to wear!  What do you also need to keep in mind when you are shopping for Abaya is the color you like There is so many colors not like some of you might think That the Abaya’s are only black the time has changed Abaya is now coming in every colors, There is some mixed colors just like dress but it’s modest!! Saturday I want to share with you different styles of Abayas hoping to inspire you to buy the perfect one,