

Duaa Is Best From Of LOVE

Salam, Making Duaa to Allah is Considered "عبادة" ibadah even if you’re not praying in the mosque just driving the car or at school anywhere you can still make Duaa "‏فأينما تولوا فثم وجه الله" just remember always that Allah sees, Allah knows and Allah will make you happy at the end of whatever your going through!  The best form of love and the best gift you can ever give to anyone is praying for them, Making Duaa for your loved ones to be protected to be loved to be happy to be healthy. May Allah grant us all with a healthy happy life.  ‏الحمد لله دائما وأبدا على نعمة الإسلام الحمد والشكر لله على ‏جميع النعم ‏على أصغر النعم وأكبرها الحمد والشكر لك يا رب ‏لا تنسوا الدعاء وأهميته لكل من حولنا ‏لأولادنا لامهاتنا القبائل على أزواجنا لجميع من حولنا من أحبه  ...

10 Ways To Wear Blazer. ١٠ طرق للبس البليزر

Salam,  If you want to look effortlessly smart you have to have blazers in your closet! Blazers give you smart look, classic touch and effortlessly beautiful.  If You are heading to work or you want to go to school, or a formal event you need that classic touch the blazers can give.  If you want your blazers to look more casual you need to have oversized blazer they are on-trend. With a pair of jeans and a simple  white T-shirt underneath would be perfect for every day look. Blazers can be worn day in and day out! You can wear blazers formal or casual, you can never go wrong with a blazer. So let me show you 10 ways to wear blazer.  البليزر او الجكيت الرسمي ‏هو للمناسبات الرسمية والغير رسمية أيضا، ‏تقدر تلبسو ‏على العمل أو ‏على ‏جامعة أو حتى الخروج مع الأصدقاء ‏لم تخطئ أبدا إذا اخترتي ارتداء ال ب...

Allah Knows، الله أعلم بنا

 Salam,  Leave everything to Allah, he will make it up for you.  If there are people Who makes you feel bad or upset you or even trying to put you down relax Allah knows, don’t let anyone have control over you your feelings, just leave it to Allah he will take care of your heart. Make A LOT of Duaa it will make everything easier on you.  Life is hard there’s no such life without problems without challenges we need to have faith but that doesn’t mean that we need to stay silent we can still be strong..have a strong personality as the same time you can pray more with more faith in our prayers. To know that Allah will never let you down. And remember nobody can hurt you unless Allah went them to! There is so much power in your prayers that can make everything great for you.   ‏ثم أن الله لا ينسى قلبا لجا إليه ‏الله ارحم بنا من انفسنا الله لن ينساني فقد تمسك في الدعاء كأنك لا تعرف علاج عن غيره ‏وتذكر دائما أن مع العسر يسرا ‏ال...

May Allah Bless You, الله يحفظكم

Salam, Ramadan is the moth of blessings, Ramadan is the month of Quran, Ramadan is the month of Barakah and Maghfirah. It’s the month that Allah has give us Quran. It’s special month, not  just special it’s the specialist month of the year so we have to make the best out of it . We all try to do our best in this holy month of Ramadan, read mor quran, pray more, make more Duaa, give Sadaqa more. All of these are examples of how we can do more in Ramadan. Give back to the community the one who’s less  fortune than us, remember to thank Allah for all the blessings we have, simple things can make a big difference in our lives.  ‏شهر رمضان هو شهر الخير شهر المغفرة شهر الطاعة شهر العبادة ‏هو الشهر الذي أنزل فيه القرآن على نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم  ‏نسال الله العلي العظيم أن يغفر لنا ذنوبنا في هذا الشهر المبارك الكريم وأن يتقبل منا طاعاتنا وعباداتنا وصلاتن...