

Never Stop Making Dua For What You Want

 Salam,  Alhamdulillah for everything now and forever we will stay thankful no matter what happens because we trust that Allah has the best plans for us even if we don’t see it now we will see it later. Alhamdulillah!  Duaa is the best gift anyone can give you so don’t stop making Duaa every single day. Make it a part of your daily routine in life, the best things to make this as a routine is to connect it with a daily habit like with praying or with waking up every morning or before going to bed.  When we make Duaa for a loved one it’s like we are making Duaa for ourselves and the loved-ones that’s really a beautiful motivation to start making more Duaa now!  It’s a mindset of staying thankful and grateful for everything we have, this mindset will bring us more happiness and more things to be thankful for, Alhamdulillah!  ‏الحمد لله دائما وأبدا الحمد لله عل...

Occasional Dresses | فساتين الحفلات

Salam, If you are looking for a dress then you need to read this blog! I have here for you a perfect guidance for occasional dresses if you have a wedding coming soon or engagement party or a birthday or even a girls night out، we got you.  Your style and your touch will complete every look, we are here to get inspired by other beautiful bloggers. It’s very important that the dress you choose is suitable for you, for your body shape and for your personality/taste. I advise you to try on as many dresses as possible and then decide which one is your favorite. The more you try the more you know what you want. The fit of the dress is very important make sure that the dress fits you perfectly it would make a word of a difference if the dress is fitting you perfectly.  ‏‏لو عندكم مناسبة قريبه سواء كان عرس ‏لاحد الأقارب او خطبة...

Duaa Is Best From Of LOVE

Salam, Making Duaa to Allah is Considered "عبادة" ibadah even if you’re not praying in the mosque just driving the car or at school anywhere you can still make Duaa "‏فأينما تولوا فثم وجه الله" just remember always that Allah sees, Allah knows and Allah will make you happy at the end of whatever your going through!  The best form of love and the best gift you can ever give to anyone is praying for them, Making Duaa for your loved ones to be protected to be loved to be happy to be healthy. May Allah grant us all with a healthy happy life.  ‏الحمد لله دائما وأبدا على نعمة الإسلام الحمد والشكر لله على ‏جميع النعم ‏على أصغر النعم وأكبرها الحمد والشكر لك يا رب ‏لا تنسوا الدعاء وأهميته لكل من حولنا ‏لأولادنا لامهاتنا القبائل على أزواجنا لجميع من حولنا من أحبه  ...