

With Every Hardship There Is EASE | إن مع العسر يسرًا

Only Allah knows what is in the heart only Allah can understand...Allah has mercy upon you more that anyone ever! so if you have been going through a hardship, if you have been going through a divorce or miscarriage, struggling financially, psychologically, emotionally..any type of pain any type of struggling even if it been going on for a long time it is hard and you are not alone in this in fact this is how life meant to be! not because Allah wants humans to suffer but because in Quran Allah says "Indeed with every hard ship there is EASE"     So how should we deal with these hardships? With Saber and prying to Allah because the reward is big it is worth it! The prophet peace and mercy upon him says in Hadith " Allah has a place for on of you in paradise A HIGH place and the person did not do a lot of prayers to earn it or is not devoted enough to...

How To Pick The Best Hijab Color Everytime

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED IF THE COLORS YOU ARE WEARING ARE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL ON YOUR COMPLEXION?   How to know exactly what Hijab color is the best for you? I want to share with you some guide lines based on studies to find your undertone color but you do not have to wear a certain color to look beautiful, any color you feel yourself beautiful in is your best color! So in general there are three different under tones that we may have in our skin warm, cool and neutral. these under tone for all skin colors. if you know exactly your under tone color it will make you shine out! we will look your best. so the first thing you need to know is to figure out your under tone color and there is three ways to figure it out : 1_ Vein Test  you look on your veins in your arm if they look blue the you have a cool under...

The Importance Of Istighfaar |اهميه للاستغفار

Istighfar meaning:  Istighfar means seeking Allah forgiveness it also means that we are confessing our own mistakes,and we are not hiding in our excuses like "it's okay I was too angry, or I did not have enough money so I need to survive....etc" there are million excuses we can make that will prevent us from seeking forgiveness. Every time we make a mistake, we have an option to say IstghfarAllah. to seek Allah forgiveness. all human beings will make mistakes all of us will, but not All of us will confess to Allah and ourselves that we made a mistake it's very simple to say one word of Istighfar but yet not everyone will do it.  Istighfar importance:  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); left;"> Asking Allah forgiveness was the first order from Allah to Adam عليه السلام it was the first gaudiness for all humanity actually the story of humanity started by seeking Allah forgiveness and last Duaa humans will ever make will be Allah forgive...