

Modest Fall Outfit Ideas \ لبس المحجبات لفصل الخريف

Salam, Today I want to share with you modest fall outfits Ideas. I want to start off with the basics, you need a white high nick shirt so it covers up everything, with a blue jeans of your choice to that you just need to throw on a camel coat this outfit is really nice and suitable for fall season.  Second outfit idea is also wearing the same basics which is a white top with a blue jeans "thats why I recommend to invest in a good quality pieces that you can wear over and over again with some changes" you can create so many different outfits just with that as a base layer just throw on tranch-coat of the color of your choice.  > another classic outfit; black pants with a white high-nick along with a sweater coat in the color nude pink this color goes really nice with

Your Manners Are Your Beauty | اخلاقك هي جمالك

Salam,  Have you ever see someone who makes you feel instantly good; that’s because there inside beaty is reflecting on the outside. Trust your gut whatever it tells you!  Your manners are your beauty it shows your beauty when you treat people nicely and politely, "سيماهم في وجوههم"   Even if you have a bad day that’s not an excuse to treat people badly or with anger, there is always a nice way to say whatever you want with respect.  Don’t let people bring you down, stay good treat everybody with Islam manners like our prophet "صلى الله عليه وسلم" he is our great teacher we should take him as a role leader. "وأنك لأعلى خلقنا عظيم" احياناً بنشوف اشخاص و بعطونا شعور مباشر بالطمأنينة بنحس انهم اشخاص طيبين هادا بسسب انو اخلاقهم الطيبه انعكست على وجوهم "سيماهم في وجوهم  "‏وأنك لأعلى خلقنا عظيم" هذه الآية في