There Is No Better Medicine Than Prayer


 Hope this blog finds you well, in my writings I’m trying to spread positivity as much as I can although we know life is full of challenges, The best way to Face challenges is with the praying and Duaa, if there is anything you want praying to Allah will make it possible…will give you peace even if it seems impossible prying makes it possible.

Whatever you are facing we need to know that Allah mercy will help us, that no one can harm us if Allah didn’t want it to happen. With this in mind we will pray more, will make more Duaa. 

Don’t underestimate the power of praying it can open the closed doors it can make miracles! All you need is a strong believe in Allah. 

اللهم آنا نستودعك انفسنا و أهلينا و أولادنا اللهم يا من لا تضيع عنده الودائع. 

اللهم أجعل حياتنا من سعادة الى سعادة . الللهم آمن روعاتنا و حفظنا و استرنا يا الله يا كريم.

اللهم آتنا في الدنيا حسنه و في الاخره حسنه و قنا عذاب النار  



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